As I just lay Liam down for bed, he recounted his day like this: (inflection at the end of every event)
"Went to paaaaaaaark, played with Chloe Jeaeaeaeaeaeaean, saw Chase and Wiwyyyyyyyyyy, played in the poooooooooool, got buzz wiiiiiiiiiiings...(thinks for a second, yawns) much a good day". He's right. It was so much a good day, except I wasn't home for much of it. Work does suck. But we packed it in this eve! Chloe said for the first time, "Hold minute" which was her rendition of Liam's famous "Hold you minute" when he wants snuggled and reassured for just a short while. She's growing fast! Liam also is talking about friends a lot! We met some magical park friends (as Dana calls them). These being kids at the park that we never learn their names but they are fast friends and make the park that much more of a magical experience. Liam told me he was going to slide with his friends and Chloe said "Come on" to me and the Dada. Watching them grow is too much to record. I wish is was cheap and cool to have a very small recording device that I permanently wore and hit record on when really good stuff happened. Taking the time to write this all down is a little rough. Now, I'm gonna go cut some zinnias and herbs out of my beautiful garden to give color and fragrance to my house! So much a good day.
The Gaddis Goods
When I realized that all of the completely hysterical stuff that happens to us in a day won't fit in a facebook status update and would be ineffective in humor level if shortened, I knew it was time for a blog! We are living our own dream and I know others will enjoy our daily doses of laughter as much as we do (and I'm very quickly forgetting all the fun, therefore it must be recorded) so read the Gaddis Goods for some chaotic fun!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
So today I decided to blog...
"What is it?", my beautiful boy said from the floor as I scraped dog shit out of the indentions in his tennis shoes with a plastic fork at the kitchen counter. "It's dog poop. It's really gross", I replied. "Ooohhh, gross, lemme see", he said clamoring up the kitchen stool. It was then I knew I had to blog. I couldn't fit this in a facebook status and I laughed long and hard for a while...which is something I do countless times a day. He's only two and he wants to see it, especially if it's gross. He's already one of us in this inquisitive manner. As a family, we taste, smell, and see anything someone makes a ruckus over, especially if it's really gross. This story actually began at Woodland Park today with our angelic friend Dana and her two wild ones. As Liam was climbing the slide, I noticed the bulge and the discomfort in his movements. Great. He pooped his pants again (we got peeing in the potty no problem, not pooping down the poo-poo slide-the inclined area in a commode. He throws huge fits and it sucks)! At the freaking park. I did have an extra pull-up but only two wipes semi-dried out in a ziploc baggie. And this was precisely what I said to Dana as soon as I realized our predicament. So, I talked Liam into changing his pull up in the van, reassuring him we would return to the fun. When he climbed into the van (jumping like a monkey across every available surface) on the scariest street to possibly put next to a park, I swiped sweat from my forehead and began coaxing him to me to pull down his shorts. Success. He laid down and I removed his pull-up thinking, "I got this...not bad" when I realized there was another odor in the van, a new offensive smell. Then I saw it, the green dog shit on his shoe, on the van carpet and on the plasticky porous surfaces all across where the door shuts. And as you can assume, my next thought had to do with rationing two wipes for two different poops. I don't think I cussed in front of him over the mess or even called it dog shit for that matter, but somehow I managed to clean both messes and return to the park. This is how I ended up scraping Liam's tennis shoe tread and realizing I had to blog because it was just too good not to share!
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